[pmwiki-users] On a page name, is there a way to take dots after the first dot and translate them automatically

Brian Tibbels brian.tibbels at clickmarlow.co.uk
Mon Mar 4 12:02:35 CST 2013

Why not have page name Product.Release 1-2-3
Set the title of the page as (:title Release 1.2.3:)
then refer to the page as [[Product.Release 1-2-3|+]]

This displays the page title rather than the page name.
You'll have to be as consistent in your titling - as you would have had to
have been with your page naming.

Best wishes


On 4 March 2013 16:28, Hans Bracker <design at softflow.co.uk> wrote:

> > What I'd like to be able to do is to allow a construct like:
> > [[Product.Release 1.0]]
> I imagine there will be a problem with such free links,
> as free links allow the Group part of the name to be present or
> absent. So [[Release 1.0]] would point to page
> "0" of Group "Release1". If there is just one dot somewhere in the
> free link markup, does it separate Group from Name, or is it part of
> Name?
> I think the free link markup would need to disallow the absence
> of a Group part first.
> All this in addition to getting a working $MakePageName Pattern etc.
> Best regards,
>  Hans
> mailto:design at softflow.co.uk
> www.softflow.co.uk
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