[pmwiki-users] Can't log in as admin using ssl

erik burggraaf burggraaferik at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 22:23:43 CDT 2015

Hi all,

Last week, I enabled ssl on my wiki sites.  Then I added an edit password.  I had started seeing spam on the main site and I thought these measures would aut to kill the spammers.

To enable SSL, I installed a certificate on each of my web servers using CPanel.
Then I used method threee detailed in the cookbook recipe found here.
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/SwitchToSSLMode <http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/SwitchToSSLMode>

SSL appears to be up and running for all edits and admin actions.  

Since adding ssl though, I can no longer log in with my admin password and my edit password is ignored.  If I revert back to before the SSL code, I can use both of my passwords once again.

Any idea what could be wrong?


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