[pmwiki-users] ical export update

erik burggraaf burggraaferik at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 10:41:43 CST 2015

Hi all,  I spent a good three hours on this yesterday.  It's really setting back the development of my site, but most of my users are blond, and having events delivered directly to their smart phone is a criticle functionality.

First, I checked the permissions on pub and set them to 777.  Formerly they were 755.

Now then, berried randomly in the script I discovered this piece of documentation.

On a wiki side each calendar entry has do be seperated by a horizontal rule: 

	!!Title of first the Event
	Begin: hh:mm \\
	End: hh:mm \\
	Location: \\
	!!Title of the next Event

OK, so now I know I can't just thump randomness into my calendar and expect the script to know what to do with it.

So, I've been testing it like this.

In the add calendar entry form:

Set the date popup button to any date in the future.

Uncheck the subpage checkbox.  Note, I have instructions from John to turn off the subpage veature perminantly and plan to implement them one of these days.
In the headline edit, type a name for the appointment.

In the story edit type the following:
!!Sample appointment for pmwiki list
Begin: 10:00\\
End: 11:00\\
Location: The dark Recesses of my mind\\
Description: an appoitment to test the ical export script

In the author edit type erik-burggraaf.

Click post.

The event is posted, but not registered in the ICal export script.  No ICS file is created.

The source of the wiki page for the event actually looks like this.

!!!!testing 123
!!Sample appointment for pmwiki list
Begin: 10:00\\
End: 11:00\\
Location: The dark Recesses of my mind\\
Description: an appoitment to test the ical export script

=>'-Posted January 30, 2015, at 04:27 PM by [[~erik-burggraaf]]-'

Then I manually created a new wiki page for a new date,.  I copied the markup above and pasted it directly into the new wiki page, in clase the aditions made to the page by using the form were confusing the script.  Still nothing.

Next I suppose I will try to put echo statements at various points in the code to see if something breaks as Peter suggested, but if some one could confirm that I'm doing the wiki markup properly that would be great.  For example, I know that \\ at the end of the line is supposed to force a line break, but when I read the calendar entry page which I created this way using a screen reader, it reads the page as one long block of text, not as separate lines.  This could be a limitation of my screen reader or it could mean that I'm not actually getting line breaks.  I have no way to tell.



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