[pmwiki-users] PmSyntax

Hans design1 at softflow.uk
Fri Nov 4 12:54:16 PDT 2022

>    #chk_hlt, #chk_hlt * {
>      color: blue;
>    }

This will make link text and square bracket blue. How can I show the square brackets in red, and the link in blue? Basically showing colours when the Highlight is not on, and changing that when toggling to on.
The font seems to change as well when togglinh Highlight on. 

>    #chk_hlt {
>      background-color: buttonface;
>      padding: .1em .3em;
>      border-radius: .3em;
>      border: 2px outset #888;
>    }

Looks good as a button, strong clue as a switcher.
I would add, to be similar than the edit form buttons:

  #chk_hlt:hover { background-color:#ccc;}

> You can even override the bracket and text colour of the label, depending on whether the highlighting is enabled or not - it adds or removes a .pmhlt class name to the label.
I don't see how to target the brackets and label text separately.

> As for [[Highlight off]], this too can be done with custom CSS:

>    #chk_hlt.pmhlt .pmurl::after {
>      content: " off";
>    }


Best regards,
mailto:design1 at softflow.uk

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