[pmwiki-devel] Markup rule evaluation sequence

Peter & Melodye Bowers pbowers at pobox.com
Wed May 21 23:24:24 CDT 2008

> In the latest case, I had rule1 set to evaluate '>links' 
> and rule2 set to evaluate '<block'. PmWiki evaluates 
> 'block' '>links'. In my case, I needed rule2 to evaluate 
> after rule1, but it didn't and it took me several tries 
> to get the behaviour I wanted, as it involved a chain of 
> related rules.

Did you try setting rule1 to '>links' and rule2 to '>rule1'? 

That seems to be the most intuitive approach describing exactly what you
were hoping for (if I've understood correctly).  I've only played on a
limited basis with the rules order so I may be off here...


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