[pmwiki-devel] experimental, pagestore-plain

V.Krishn vkrishn4 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 02:49:55 PST 2019

On 12/6/19 1:04 PM, Petko Yotov wrote:
> If you haven't, you can check PageTopStore:
>   https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/PageTopStore
> It stores a regular PmWiki page file and second plain-text file with the
> plain wiki text (only "<" gets escaped to "<").

Hmm, trying to figure out if that is needed in PageStorePlain

> It detects if the plain text version is more recent than the regular
> wiki page and automatically merges it, and vice versa.
> This means that you can edit the contents directly on the filesystem and
> it should be mostly safe (except maybe for simultaneous edits).
> This recipe can give you some ideas for your own recipe.

Main reason was making it VCS(git) friendly,
I have started using git for my whole pmwiki based website
 and PageStorePlain makes diff a little smaller
 and better as expected.

Would try to avoid storing of a 2nd copy (as in PageTopStore).
Presently, I do not need to edit the pages using an external editors,
but, if that is needed, the method I would adopt like would be
a. adding an attribute ['sha1'] or ['checksum'] of plain text file
   in .hist/<pagename>
b. upon edit, pmwiki would match the checksum,
c. the edit check would auto-merge the diff or proceed with showing
   changes and let user keep or undo the changes(regular edit like)
   Write a script, that can be run after each external edit, and
   which would update the .hist/<pagename> file as expected

> Petko


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