search engine beware! Was: Re: [pmwiki-users] notice of current edit

Radu radu at
Fri Apr 15 10:59:55 CDT 2005

At 10:03 AM 4/15/2005, Joachim Durchholz wrote:
>>Since no sane individual can see two different pages in the same second,
>Then count me among the insane. (Well, that might be accurate actually *ggg*)
>For examples, sometimes I right-click large bundles of links for "open in 
>new tab"; the click rate is about 2 or 3 per second.

Wow, you're fast. So you open them for editing first, then start editing 
later? Or symultaneously? OK, then my idea won't work for you. As I 
mentioned this was for a Project Management context, where you probably 
know who's working and you could refrain from opening several pages per second.

>Web crawlers already have counteracted that measure. wget, for example, 
>has options to set arbitrary intervals when in "suck-the-site" mode.

Hmmmm... That's a toughie. So you're right, no need to go to these lengths. 
I suppose the project site would be pasworded anyway, so crawlers won't 
trip the "This page is being edited" note.

>I don't think the problem is serious enough to warrant exclusion of 
>legitimate requests.


>Here's a feature request: if a user turns out to be a spammer, have a 
>function that undoes all his edits and elides them from the page history, 
>too. Also, make the history pages have noindex,nofollow (otherwise, a wiki 
>spammer would not mind to have his spam removed - as long as it's 
>available via the page history function, it's still a link farm and useful 
>for him).



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