[pmwiki-users] Sourceforge project for cookbook recipes?

Chris Cox ccox at airmail.net
Mon Sep 26 16:29:50 CDT 2005

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 04:06:15PM -0400, Martin Fick wrote:
>>I think the current model is pretty good but I do think that
>>some form of version control for uploads would help
>>recipes.  Or shoudl this simply be dealt with by convention
>>-> name all uploaded recipe files with a  version in them: 
> For the many folks who are asking for version control of recipes,
> I'm curious to know what the primary use case is going to be?
> Is it mostly to try to let people know when new recipes are available,
> to provide an easy way to revert to a previous version of a recipe,
> or ...?  

(:recipe  name= version= pmwiki= :)

 name is the recipe name.
 version is the recipe version.
 pmwiki is the version of pmwiki REQUIRED (this is where it
gets quite sticky... is this parm required, not, what
does it mean?)

Use case wise:

1. a user wants to know what recipes are
available for the version of pmwiki he/she is using.

2. a user might want something that alerts them to
a newer compatible version of a recipe for the particular
version of pmwiki they are using.

3. a user might want something that alerts them to
a new version of a recipe even if it requires a different
version level of pmwiki.

4. a user wants to know that minimum level of pmwiki
is required to run a particular recipe version.

There's probably much, much more...

> Pm
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