[pmwiki-users] Wikiforms and templates (SameerKumar):pmwiki-users Digest, Vol 25, Issue 59

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Thu Jul 26 21:08:13 CDT 2007

On Thursday, 26 July 2007 6:32 PM, Sameer Kumar <skumar at eharch.com> wrote:
>[SK] When I use the ViewTemplate, to fill in the variables, I
>use the <detail> markup which automatically reads from the
>:term:definition markup. When I use the same table in the
>GroupHeader page, it does not fill in/resolve the <detail> tags .

This is by design -- the ViewTemplate reinterprets the
content of the page; the GroupHeader is not part of the page.
In the same way, when you edit a page, you edit the content
of the page, not the page plus the GroupHeader.

>>2.     Can the Wikiform data be saved on a separate
>>Group.Page.table page which then is 56;(:include:)-ed57;  in
>>the Group.Page? Would that also be complicated since I am also
>>using the formtitle recipe to not have to live with the
>numbered titles?
>Yes, I have done this when I wanted to have 2 forms for 2 different
>parts of the page. The form title recipe adds a further complication,
>of course, but I think there are a couple of options. The challenge
>is making automatic links between the pages pairs.
>1. form data in one group, normal wiki data in another group
>2. form data and normal wiki data in the same group
>[SK] I would surely like to follow this approach... I will be
>grateful if you could please help me out with this. Please bear
>in mind that I am not a programmer and have negligible
>experience with PHP. But I follow instructions quite well.

Let me start by using the base wikiforms approach, ie without
the title option. The title adds a lot of complexity and
perhaps could be considered for a subsequent refined version. 
Getting titles straight in this case makes my head hurt.

With numbered pages (formtitle disabled)...

1. set up 2 groups: eg FormData and FlexiData

FormData is driven by FormData.FormTemplate and FlexiData
is plain old wiki pages.

2. Set up FormData.GroupFooter with

(:if exists FlexiData.{$Name} :)(:include FlexiData.{$Name}:)
(:else:)[[FlexiData.{$Name} |Create flexi-text]] (:ifend:)

This will append the unstructured data if the page exists,
otherwise it will give you a link to create it.

3. Set up FlexiData.GroupFooter with

(:if exists FormData.{$Name} :)[[FormData.{$Name} |Return to form-text]]

4. In this scenario, your discussion tab should work

All the names are as pmwiki intended, and everything should
just work, including backlinks.

With titled pages (formtitle enabled)...

5. Tell FlexiData.GroupFooter what title to use

Change the (:if:) to read:
(:if exists FormData.{$Name} :)(:fpara xxxx=FormData.{$Name} :)

where xxxx is the name of the field designated as type 'title'

I *think* that will work. It might not.

6. Teach Comments pages the title as well

If 5 works, for the backlink, use

[[(:fpara xxxx={$BaseName} :)]]

I haven't tested this :-(
>>Looking forward to more ideas! I truly appreciate all your help.
>>-----Original Message-----
>> <snip>
>[SK] I am running into another problem owing to the formtitle
>recipe... I have just posted a question on the
>http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/CommentPageLink-Talk at the
>very bottom. My "Discussion Tab" does not work as expected
>because the Page.Name is not the same as the Page.Title. Any ideas on that front??

See above. Try to get it working with pure {$Name} links
first, and add the title wrinkle afterwards. You want to
create pages named Comments.Projects-00001 with backlinks
to Projects.00001. $Title is transient; $Name is forever.

John Rankin

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