[pmwiki-users] Foxnotify question

Sameer Kumar skumar at eharch.com
Wed Mar 12 18:37:37 CDT 2008

Try this:

change the entry in FoxNotifyLists.ListA to


notify=emailaddres format=#comment


Since you use a field 'comment' the value will be used by the email

notification and inserted into the email body.

This is determined by FoxNotifyLists.FoxNotifyTemplates

At present the email body format can be changed with the format=

parameter, but not the subject or headers of the email.





Can the format be specified within the foxform itself? What if I want to
impose the same format to all recipients?

More specifically, what if I want to use the same FoxNotifyLists to send
different messages based on different forms in the wiki?



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