[pmwiki-users] SMTPMail

Martin Cuno martin.cuno at posteo.de
Sun Aug 27 00:14:06 PDT 2023

Hello Petko and others,

a question about the SMTPMail recipe (https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/SMTPMail):

Would it also be possible to send a newsletter WITH AN ATTACHMENT using this recipe? I've been sending newsletters with the mail() function for many years, but I keep thinking about trying SMTPMail, also maybe because of the spam problem. In addition, the recipients are asked each time whether they want to download the small image (logo).

Next question: cURL can also access pop3. Would it be conceivable to set up an email inbox in PmWiki? - I guess the answer: that would be too big and dangerous thing? (But I love PmWiki and use it for more and more stuff.)

Best regards


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