[pmwiki-users] Supporting different modes in default pmwiki

Bronwyn Boltwood arndis at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 19:20:54 CDT 2005

On 8/11/05, Hans <design at flutesong.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:
> Friday, August 12, 2005, 12:33:53 AM, Neil wrote:
> >  From what I can see, the "standard view" is useless. I can't think of any
> > potential use for it.
> 'Standard' view mode was meant for a Reader, with  a prominent edit
> button, as I understood.

Its purpose is to be the default view for an open wiki where you want
the public to contribute.

Many will come to read, and so they need controls useful for reading. 
Since they do not need things like page history or attributes, we hide
them.  They do not want to learn some new interface -- they are here
to get information.

To tempt our visitors into editing, we must make it simple,
low-commitment.  A prominent "Edit Page" control calls them to action:
this is the most important thing you can do here -- edit me!

In turn, the edit form should have:
* GUI edit buttons turned on.  This is exactly the audience that needs
and wants them.
* links or help for attaching files
* edit quickreference, as usual
* links to basic text formatting help
* links to beginner-level help explaining things like what is a wiki
and why am I allowed to edit it
* links to more advanced text formatting help
* link to page history

The author view is meant for people who are already comfortable with
using the wiki, and need more access to intermediate and advanced
editing commands, and less access to beginner-level help.

I admit we don't have a really good live demo to demonstrate the
different emphases yet.


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