[pmwiki-users] different URLs

Susan pmwiki at onebit.ca
Thu Mar 16 12:31:36 CST 2006

Neil Herber wrote:

>>Is there a way to have different URLs without a wiki farm? I can see many
>>cases where you'd have different URLs administered by the same person.
> And the answer is yes. Just do full installs of PmWiki into different 
> directories accessed by different URLs.
> You now have many wikis, but not a farm. In a farm, only one of the 
> wikis holds the PmWiki code. For convenience, it is called the "home wiki".
> This is described in a bit more detail on 
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/WikiFarmsNeil

"... full installs ..."   Installs plural. Meaning upgrades plural. 
Yuck. Might be easier to learn how to convert recipes to handle Farm / 


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